Preschool in Incline Village, Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe School’s PreK Program is grounded in a rich and global curriculum that inspires children to explore and to forge a strong connection with their world. Social development is supported through solution-bound and team-building activities. The PreK Program incorporates aspects of play and brain-based learning to help the children acquire the foundational academic and social skills necessary to be successful students.
The Lake Tahoe School PreK places healthy emotional, social and cultural development at the heart of its curriculum. Academic success is dependent upon a positive self-image, as well as satisfying relationships with peers and staff in the school setting. It is important that every child develops age-appropriate skills to manage their behavior. The PreK Program follows a positive guidance program: Love and Logic.
In addition to the extensive hands-on materials available in the PreK classroom, our program utilizes the exceptional offerings of the LTS campus daily through the enrichment programs offered - including the state-of-the-art science lab, music room library, and the athletic and performing arts center, Duffield Hall.
8:30 am - 11:30 am daily
Our PreK 3 Program is a half-day program designed to promote developmental appropriate learning through play and social interaction. Students are exposed to the early readiness skills throughout daily activities which builds the foundation of school readiness through a love of learning.
Throughout the year, PreK3 students will learn to:
- Language Arts: print or copy familiar symbols and letters, especially those in their own name; draw and explain what or who the drawing represents.
- Math: count up to 10 objects with 1:1 correspondence; sort objects by color, shape, or size.
- Handwriting: develop fine motor skills such as snipping with scissors, stringing large beads.
- Social & Emotional Learning: anticipate what comes next within a daily routine; explain how and why someone may be feeling a certain emotion, begin to ask before taking an object that does not belong to them or offer an object to another in return.
8:40 am - 2:30 pm daily
Our PreK 4 Program is a full-day program that is designed to support the curious and adventurous nature of young children through a rich and interactive curriculum. Designed by career experts in the field of early childhood education, this program provides a strong foundation for academic and social success.
Throughout the year, PreK4 students will learn to:
- Language Arts: name uppercase letters when presented in a random order; follow the directionality of text when reading a book; write and recognize their own name.
- Math: count to 20 with 1:1 correspondence; describe objects in the environment as two and three dimensional; identify, sort, and classify objects by at least two features; describe and complete patterns.
- Handwriting: develop fine motor skills including pencil grip, scissor strength, tweezer practice, hole punching; manipulate buttons, zippers, buckles, and laces.
- Social & Emotional Learning: transition from one activity to the next and help others through the transition; to sustain focus on a task with increased perseverance; identify complex feelings of others and respond accordingly.
- Science: respectfully and effectively use multimedia materials in a lab setting.
- Spanish: understand commonly used Spanish vocabulary and phrases through songs, games, books, and activities.