On Sunday, March 31, seventh and eighth grade students traveled to Washington, DC on a four-day adventure. It was a fast-paced, exciting, educational experience. Students explored famous monuments, memorials, and museums. On the Close Up Washington student program LTS students partnered with schools from California, Georgia, Washington, and Montana to gain an understanding of how history and politics impact our lives. Students participated in workshops, simulations, role-playing activities, and discussed case-studies about the process of government and policymaking. Students also engaged in political discourse and learned about the rights and responsibilities of citizens as they toured the capital’s historic sites. Some of the highlights from our trip included a visit to Capitol Hill, an afternoon at Arlington National Cemetery, and an exploration of the Smithsonian Museums.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for students to travel through our nation’s capital in a mobile classroom while making new friends with students from across the country. Students were able to witness the history they learned in the classroom come alive through an in-depth, hands-on learning experience.

Students returned feeling more informed and empowered to make a difference in their community.

Quinn Cafferata-Jenkins, an 8th grader said, “After seeing our legislative and executive branches of government in person it made me realize how important it is to be an informed citizen and vote.”

A huge thank you to our Lake Tahoe School community for supporting the trip and helping our fundraising efforts!