Sara Holm grew up in Massachusetts and Vermont and earned a BA in African studies and sociology from St. Lawrence University. After moving to Lake Tahoe for more snow and better skiing, she earned a NV Teaching Credential from Sierra Nevada College and began teaching soon thereafter. She currently teaches kindergarten at the Lake Tahoe School and has taught kindergarten through 5th grade, as well as served as an elementary school’s RTI/MTSS Coordinator, and grade 5 English Language Development co-teacher and coach. Sara has a Master of Education degree in equity and diversity and a Master of Education degree in Advanced Teaching and Leadership. Sara was an America Achieves National Teacher Fellow from August 2014-March 2016 and is still active with the education non-profit. She was an assistant coach to the middle school cross country team, coaches Girls on the Run and chairs the Professional Development Committee. Sara enjoys spending her free time running, skiing, reading, cooking and enjoying Lake Tahoe with her husband and dog.