Outdoor education is a cornerstone of our school’s curriculum, fostering essential skills like teamwork, resilience, and problem-solving in a natural setting. This year, our 6th graders embarked on an unforgettable hike up Mount Rose Summit, a journey that proved to be a valuable bonding experience and a testament to their determination.

The trip, one of the earliest adventures of their middle school careers, was a test of both physical and mental endurance. As Señor Harssema noted, “The overall goal of the 6th grade Mt. Rose trip was to come together as a class and to set the tone for a fantastic year in middle school.” The hike, while challenging, served as a powerful catalyst for unity and camaraderie among the students. Señor also shared his initial concerns about the trip’s feasibility, given the length and elevation gain of the hike. However, the students proved themselves up to the challenge, supporting each other every step of the way.

After 4 hours of hiking the 5-mile ascent and gaining 2,400 feet in elevation, all 25 sixth graders and 8 chaperones reached the top of Mount Rose. The students then set up camp, cooked their own dinner, shared heartfelt reflections, and slept under the stars in their tents. At dawn, they woke up to enjoy a hearty breakfast and some more team-building before hiking back down the mountain and returning to school.

The experience left a lasting impression on our young explorers. Charlotte shared her insights, saying, “I learned to persevere even when things get hard.” The lesson? “Don’t be afraid to conquer your fears. Go with the flow and be flexible. Learn from your mistakes.” James echoed her sentiments, emphasizing the importance of perseverance: “When things get tough, you have to learn to push through.”

Coach Jeanee, another chaperone on the trip, shared her particularly poignant thoughts about the trip’s impact on the students. She noted that by the end of the adventure, the students had bonded and unified as a class, becoming more optimistic about future adventures and committed to making sixth grade the best year ever.

This adventure was more than just a physical challenge. It was an opportunity for our students to connect with nature, build lasting friendships, and develop essential life skills. The memories they created on Mount Rose Summit will undoubtedly stay with them for years to come.