Outdoor & Adventure
The Outdoor and Adventure Program at Lake Tahoe School targets unique areas of student and community development not typically achieved in the classroom. Our outdoor curriculum links environmental systems with age-specific science and social studies curriculum.
Lower School
The Lower School program regularly provides younger students with the opportunity to assume leadership roles. Through active engagement students advance their level of intrinsic motivation and self-confidence while attending to and reinforcing the academic concepts that are introduced in the traditional classroom environment. All trips are consciously designed to complement the core curriculum and the school’s “Honor Code.”
Middle School
The Middle School program brings in components that expand on experiences and lessons encountered in the Elementary School Outdoor and Adventure Program. It is designed to meet several objectives:
- To foster interpersonal relationships in the middle school through shared experience.
- To develop students who demonstrate successful leadership and outdoor skills.
- To enhance academic learning by providing personal connections to the curriculum through the environment.
Each year a number of day trips take place around the incredible Lake Tahoe Basin. Additionally, the middle school usually enjoys two extended trips a year, one of which typically ventures into a different geographical area such as the desert, coastal, mountain and foothill regions near Lake Tahoe. Over the years our middle school students have enjoyed trips to Moab, Yosemite, Big Sur, and the Channel Islands.