Join us on Tuesday, January 21, for a special presentation on The Gift of Failure: Letting Go so Your Children Can Succeed with Jessica Lahey. Click here to register.

Viva España Summer Camp

Get ready to take a trip around the globe, from Spain to Central and South America! Students will have the opportunity to practice their Spanish through a variety of fun, culturally-inspired activities. Some of the activities include an outdoor scavenger hunt, arts and crafts, bingo, build-your-own piñata, song and dance, storytelling, and more!

No Fields Found.

July 22 to 26

Each session is Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Campers should bring a refillable water bottle. A morning snack will be provided each day.

Drop-off & Pick-up at Lake Tahoe School (995 Tahoe Blvd.)

Open to students entering grades K-2 (must be age 5 by July 22, 2024).

$250 per camper. Camp size is limited to 10 children. First to sign up, first in! Payment required 30 days prior to the start of camp. Registration opens on February 15.

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9:00am – 9:15am Camp participants arrive at Lake Tahoe School and participate in a team-building activity to start the day.
9:15am – 9:30am Read a Spanish book together.
9:30am – 10:30 am Interactive activity based on the book.
10:30am – 11:00am Provided snack and outdoor play.
11:00am – 12:00pm Outdoor scavenger hunt.
12:00pm Parent Pick-up at Lake Tahoe School.

If you have any questions regarding our camp, please contact:

Tiana Larios:
Lake Tahoe School (775) 831-5828