As we continue to evaluate the curriculum and best practices for independent schools such as Lake Tahoe School, a consistent second language program is one key component. Currently, our students begin Spanish instruction on a daily basis in our PreK program, and as they progress on to Kindergarten and beyond, the amount of time varies and even declines until the Middle School.
As a result of our review, I am pleased to announce that we will be increasing Spanish instruction in Kindergarten as a first step. Beginning next week, Suzanne Batmale will be teaching Spanish to Kindergartners five days per week during the school day in the afternoons. Diana Schlaff – currently teaching Kindergarten Spanish one day per week – will be concentrating fully on her new second-grade classroom responsibilities.
Studies show that the more students are exposed to second languages at an early age, the more likely they are to develop and retain those same language skills later in life. This first effort of increasing Spanish instruction at the Kindergarten level provides the opportunity for our students to take an important step in that direction.

LTS Expands Spanish Instruction in Kindergarten
Recently, Interim Head Bob Graves communicated the following exciting news to the LTS parent community: