This year’s student council elections saw walls plastered with campaign posters, inspiring and funny speeches, and students with big dreams. Each year, students in grades 5-8 run for the positions of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, public relations officer, and class representative for each grade. The goal of our school’s Student Council is to represent the students, fundraise for exciting events, and further the mission of the school.

The numerous candidates gave passionate speeches about why they were running and what they hoped to accomplish if elected. They shared their ideas for improving the school, from making the campus more sustainable to creating more extracurricular activities. The students and teachers listened attentively, laughed at jokes, and cheered heartily for all the candidates.

After an authentic voting experience for the students – including private booths and “I Voted!” stickers – the election results were announced to the student body. Congratulations to our 2024-2025 StuCo members:

President: Kylie Mangiaracina
Vice president: Larkin Schuessler
Secretary: Elias Taylor
Treasurer: Brooks Erikson
Public Relations Officers: Georgia McLeod and Artyom Zhakov
8th Grade Representative: Hudson Palmer
7th Grade Representative: Annabelle Kelly
6th Grade Representative: Josephine McConnon
5th Grade Representative: Lily Bonner

With both experienced StuCo officers and newly elected officials, it is shaping up to be an incredible year with students who care deeply about their school and their fellow students. In her winning speech, President Kylie Mangiaracina stated, “[Lake Tahoe School] is such an incredible school and community and I am so grateful to be a part of it. The least I can do is work my hardest to make it a better place for all of us.” We are confident that Kylie will lead the charge to create a positive environment for all of our students, and in turn, our community.